Filtering by: Instructional
Movement and Cognition: Enhancing Executive Function Skills Through Neuroeducation and Movement
to Sep 24

Movement and Cognition: Enhancing Executive Function Skills Through Neuroeducation and Movement

Current research shows, time and time again, that movement and exercise have a positive impact on student cogniiton, learning and self regulation at all ages. What exactly is the research saying and how do classroom teachers combine more movement into the school day without impacting their programme?

Join Dr. Lynne Kenney and Wim van Gelder for two days of engagement in practical applications of the latest research from the fields of neuroscience, kinesiology, cognitive science and neuroeducation.

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Responding to and Planning for Diversity in Today’s Classrooms
to Oct 11

Responding to and Planning for Diversity in Today’s Classrooms

Join us for a transformative workshop on inclusion led by renowned inclusion specialist, Shelley Moore! Shelley will set the stage by helping participants calibrate their understanding of inclusion and how it has evolved over time before shifting mindsets of how we understand, respond to and plan for the diverse groups of students in our care.

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Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics
to Nov 12

Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics

Busy classrooms are not necessarily thinking classrooms. Join Peter to experience some of the 14 thinking practices that emerged out of over 15 years of research into how teachers can transform their classrooms from a space where students mimic, to where students think. 

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Exploring Engagement and Empowerment in a Culture of Thinking
to Feb 11

Exploring Engagement and Empowerment in a Culture of Thinking

Engage and empower student thinking, not just deliver information. This workshop helps educators shift from a culture of "just getting through the curriculum" to fostering engagement with ideas and one another, and to be empowered to take action. Conversations and reflections will be grounded in creating and sustaining a classroom culture that values powerful thinking, deep understanding, and student ownership of learning.

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Unlocking Dyslexia: Empowering Educators In the Classroom
to Mar 7

Unlocking Dyslexia: Empowering Educators In the Classroom

The Hampstead Dyslexia Clinic presents an interactive conference tailored for both primary and secondary educators to help understand the complex difficulties of learners dyslexic learners, reimagine the classroom with creative teaching methods and ultimately increase accessibility for all learners in class.

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7 Mighty Moves to Unlock Reading Success
to Apr 4

7 Mighty Moves to Unlock Reading Success

Come learn about the seven, science based, moves teacher and author, Lindsay Kemeny, made in her classroom to ensure reading success for all her students. She will share seven ways teachers can modify what they are currently doing to transform their reading instruction. Each “mighty move” focuses on a critical area of foundational reading, from the most efficient ways to teach phonemic awareness and phonics to how to boost comprehension.

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Developing Student Agency and Transforming Classrooms Through    Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
to Feb 2

Developing Student Agency and Transforming Classrooms Through Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

This workshop provides educators across all educational contexts, an introduction to the guiding principles of Universal Design for Learning. Utilising approaches to teaching (AtT), educators will have the opportunity to develop strategies that can be transferred to all educational contexts, creating bespoke resources and artifacts.

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Cultures of Thinking in Action: An Inquiry into 10 Guiding Mindsets
to Dec 1

Cultures of Thinking in Action: An Inquiry into 10 Guiding Mindsets

Explore the 10 foundational mindsets needed to create a robust culture of thinking in your classroom and/or school context. These mindsets motivate and guide our actions and provide the touchstones we need as we create places where thinking is valued, visible, and actively promoted. As we do so, we will look at the research behind these principles, the actions and data that can be used to move us forward in whatever teaching and learning environments we find ourselves.

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Multilingual Learners in the Lower School Mainstream
8:30 AM08:30

Multilingual Learners in the Lower School Mainstream

Do your multilingual learners need some additional scaffolding and support in your homeroom classes? Do you wonder what to do when the English Language Specialist is not in the classroom?  This one-day session will provide practical strategies that support multilingual learners in every part of the mainstream curriculum from reading and writing to maths and unit of inquiry.

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Long-Term Success for Experienced Multilinguals
to Nov 15

Long-Term Success for Experienced Multilinguals

Experienced multilinguals may sound orally proficient, but when they read complex texts or write discipline-specific papers, they may still need support to reach grade-level expectations. If this sounds like many of your students, then this workshop is for you! You will learn practical strategies for supporting these students across content areas. You will also have time in the workshop to redesign a summative assessment with appropriate scaffolds and develop a supportive daily lesson for that unit.

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How to Talk to Children About Race: A Parent Workshop
7:00 PM19:00

How to Talk to Children About Race: A Parent Workshop

Despite the common belief that children “don’t see race”, research shows that racial awareness starts as young as three months old. It's never too early to begin having open conversations with your child about race. We will share strategies and resources that will help us feel more equipped to talk about race with the children in our lives. Learn how to approach these conversations with empathy and compassion. This workshop is designed for parents and caregivers of children ages 0-10.

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Understanding Culture and Identity and Its Impact in the Primary Classroom
9:00 AM09:00

Understanding Culture and Identity and Its Impact in the Primary Classroom

How does our own culture and identity impact the way we teach? How do we make our classroom a learning space where every child feels a strong sense of belonging? In our ever increasing globalized world, understanding and celebrating cultural differences has never been more essential. Are you interested in making your classroom instruction and learning community more inclusive and culturally responsive but not sure how to start? This one-day workshop will focus on strategies and tools to help!

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