Building a classroom and school culture of thinking is more than merely instituting a set of practices. As useful as practices like thinking routines, documentation, and effective questioning can be, culture runs deeper. Culture is built on our values and beliefs and embedded in the messages we send. Thus, deep and lasting transformation must begin by embracing a set of beliefs about teaching, learning, and schooling.
In this workshop, we will explore the 10 foundational mindsets needed to create a robust culture of thinking. These mindsets motivate and guide our actions and provide the touchstones we need as we create places where thinking is valued, visible, and actively promoted. As we do so, we will look at the research behind these principles, the actions and data that can be used to move us forward in whatever teaching and learning environments we find ourselves..
Participants will choose one of the 10 mindsets on which to focus for a sustained, ongoing guided inquiry, which will begin in the workshop but carry on afterwards when you return to your school. We will use a design thinking inquiry cycle (Immersion, Ideation, Development, and Reflection) to guide us in the process. Working in small groups with others, you will identify data collection methods and specific actions you might take to move forward in your classroom. Your workshop team will become a resource and sounding board for sharing, support, and collaboration beyond the workshop. We will have one, two hour online collaborative session after the workshop to share, discuss, and reflect on our actions (date and time to be determined).
Early Bird €900.00 (ends 15 September, 2023)
Standard Rate €1000.00 (ends 29 November, 2023)
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Featured speaker
Ron Ritchhart
Ron Ritchhart is a world- renowned educator, researcher, and author. For over 25 years, Ron served as a Senior Research Associate and Principal Investigator at Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education where his research focused on understanding how to develop, nurture, and sustain “cultures of thinking” for both students and teachers. After leaving Harvard in 2021, Ron has continued his classroom and school-based research and writing to further the ideas of visible thinking and the creation of schools as cultures of thinking. Ron’s ability to seamlessly merge theory, research, practice, and application together in a highly accessible and engaging manner has made him a best-selling author of numerous books including Intellectual Character, Making Thinking Visible, Creating Cultures of Thinking, The Power of Making Thinking Visible, and his highly anticipated new book, Cultures of Thinking in Action.
Ron is a sought-after speaker for his ability to connect with and engage fellow educators in these powerful, big-picture ideas, while simultaneously providing useful insights into and practical ideas for advancing the complex world of teaching and learning. This is no doubt due to Ron’s diverse experience, which includes teaching elementary school, art, and secondary mathematics. Upon Ron’s Harvard retirement, Howard Gardner commented, “Of all of us at Harvard Project Zero, you have had the most influence on what teachers around the world do in their classrooms and how to talk and think about it.”
By booking a registration, you accept the CDLT Terms and Conditions.