Why come?
Do you work with multilingual learners who have been studying in an English-medium school for 5 or more years? These experienced multilinguals may sound orally proficient, but when they read complex texts or write discipline-specific papers, they may still need support to reach grade-level expectations. If this sounds like many of your students, then this workshop is for you! You will learn practical strategies for supporting these students across content areas. You will also have time in the workshop to redesign a summative assessment with appropriate scaffolds and develop a supportive daily lesson for that unit.
Who is it for?
· Grade 4-12 EAL teachers
· Grade 4-12 general educators who serve experienced multilinguals
· Teams of general education and EAL teachers, who co-teach, co-plan, or work together in any way
Workshop Description:
In this practical, hands-on workshop, you will have the time and support to appropriately accommodate an upcoming summative assessment and plan a lesson for that same unit for experienced multilinguals (students who have been learning in an English-medium school for 5 or more years.). You will experience and apply strategies that make input from videos, lectures, podcasts, and written texts comprehensible. In addition, you will learn structures that develop discipline-specific oral and written skills. By the end of the two-day session, you will have a toolbox of strategies and a framework for planning lessons that create the conditions for long-term success for experienced multilinguals.
Workshop goals:
Appreciate the assets experienced multilinguals bring to the school and classroom
Accommodate or ‘engineer’ a summative assessment for experienced multilinguals
Plan an accommodated lesson that provides comprehensible input and structures discipline-specific output using a lesson planning template
Scaffold input from lectures, videos, podcasts, and written texts
Structure discipline-specific output for vocabulary, sentence structure, discourse, and context
Early Bird: €650.00 p.p. Ends 31 August, 2023
Standard Rate: €700.00 p.p.Ends 14 November, 2023
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Featured speaker
Beth Skelton
Beth Skelton provides professional development, coaching, and consulting for schools around the world focused on creating equitable education for multilingual learners.
She believes that all students are academic language learners and that all teachers are language teachers.
She holds a Master’s Degree in Multicultural Teacher Education and has worked with early childhood, elementary, middle, high school and adult language learners in rural, urban, suburban, and international school settings for over 30 years. She is a WIDA certified trainer and has extensive experience and training in Kagan cooperative learning, Harvard Project Zero and Visible Thinking Routines, SIOP, International Baccalaureate English B course, Marzano’s Strategies that Work for English Learners, Total Physical Response Storytelling (TPRS) for English Learners, and student-centered instructional coaching. She has published materials for teaching adult English Learners with the TPRS method entitled Putting it Together, which have been translated into Spanish, Dutch, French, and sign language.
Tan Huynh
Tan Huynh (@TanKHuynh) is a secondary school teacher specializing in English language acquisition, an author, podcaster, and consultant.
His suggestions are rooted in his experience teaching students from 5th to 10th grade in public, private, charter, and international schools. He also taught secondary social studies and spends much of his days co-planning and co-teaching. He is trained in sheltered instruction, culturally-responsive instruction, International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program, and the collaborative instructional cycle. Tan shares his application of research-based strategies on his blog, podcast, and online courses with the hopes of celebrating teachers who answer the call to serve multilingual learners. He holds a master's degree in curriculum and instruction specializing in language acquisition. You can learn more about his work by going to TanKHuynh.com.
By booking a registration, you accept the CDLT Terms and Conditions.