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Creativity Masterclass - Including Special Focus on Woodwork in Early Education

  • ISA 45 Sportlaan Amstelveen, NH, 1185 TB Netherlands (map)

This workshop will offer a thorough understanding of creativity, focussing on children's creative and critical thinking skills and how we can best nurture them. We will gain an understanding of the importance creativity plays in education and in life as a whole. I will present the Holistic Creativity Framework – which looks at the individual capacities children need and the facilitating factors that we can provide to help enable children's creativity to flourish. We will also look at a monitoring tool for how we can best observe young children’s creative development. Furthermore, we will look at the role of the teacher and the importance of the enabling environment, both indoors and outdoors, in facilitating creative investigation and exploration.

The workshop will focus on woodwork as an exceptional media - for both engaging children and encouraging creativity. We will have practical sessions working with wood learning about the most appropriate tools and how best to establish woodwork provision as well as thinking about where woodwork meets learning and development and of course highlight all the health and safety measures we need to put in place. I will also present examples of children’s creative explorations in other media such as: photography, clay, paper, loose parts, providing inspiration as well as opportunities to get hands-on.


€400.00 pp (standard rate only)

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Featured speaker

Pete Moorhouse

Pete Moorhouse is an early years creative consultant and artist educator. He was awarded an honorary research fellow at the Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol and is currently researching creative and critical thinking in Early Years. Pete is an associate trainer for Early Education and deliverers training both nationally and overseas. Pete is an endorsed Froebel Travelling Tutor. His work in school is centred around developing children's creativity and his practice is inspired by Froebelian principles and practice in Reggio Emilia. Pete is the UK’s leading authority on woodwork in Early Years education and has written several books and journal articles, including ‘Learning Through Woodwork’ (Routledge) and ‘Outdoor Learning’. He is currently working on his latest book – ‘Creativity in Practice: Nurturing Creative and Critical Thinking in Early Childhood Education’. Pete won the National Award (2019) from the Creative Learning Guild for his work promoting creativity in education. He was awarded a Churchill Fellowship and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

By booking a registration, you accept the CDLT Terms and Conditions.