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We All Support Children: Learning from Speech and OT Specialists to Improve Student Support in the Homeroom

  • ISA 45 Sportlaan Amstelveen, NH, 1185 TB Netherlands (map)

We all support children! Many schools and families have access to external support services from Speech & Language and Occupational Therapists. Join us to learn from these specialists what the most common student concerns are, how to identify the need for external support services and what tips and strategies you can use in the classroom to further enhance the support students receive.

Morning Session: Occupational Therapy Student Support Services

Occupational therapists understand the developmental challenges children can face which impact their participation in activities at home, school and in the community. OT Specialists support children and young people using child-led, evidence-based interventions to help develop fine and gross motor skills, sensations more effectively, self-care, social skills, emotions and learning.

The following questions will be addressed:

  • What is Occupational Therapy and what does an OT Therapist do to support children?

  • What is “normal” development and what are signs a child is struggling? What are the most usual challenges observed in the classroom?

  • How can assistants/teachers support a child; what do you need, what can you use and where can you go with your questions?

During the morning session participants will learn about motor development (fine and gross), executive functioning, focus and concentration, sensory processing, and self-help skills. Participants will experience some of the intervention activities used to support children and there will be time for sharing experiences and asking questions.

Afternoon Session: Speech and Language Therapy Student Support Services

Speech and Language therapists help people of all ages with varying levels of speech, language and communication difficulties. This workshop focuses on the type of support a speech and language therapist offers to children aged 3- 12 in the international school setting.

The following questions will be addressed:

  • What are the different areas of need for speech & language support?

  • What does a speech & language therapist do to support children?

  • What is expected from parents/caregivers?

  • What can classroom assistants/teachers do to also support students with speech and language difficulties in the classroom?

During the afternoon session you will learn more about the valuable role assistants/teachers have in supporting children who receive speech and language support. Participants will get to see audio and video recordings of the characteristics of several types of speech and language disorders in order to support them in signaling ‘red flags’ you might notice amongst your students.


€200.00 pp (standard rate only)

By booking a registration, you accept the CDLT Terms and Conditions.

Featured speaker

Occupational Therapist: Sacha Creemers

Sacha Creemers has been an Occupational Therapist since 1998 and gained extra qualifications in 2018 as a Pediatric Occupational Therapis. Sacha specializes in pediatrics, sensory processing disorders and writing difficulties for children aged 0-18 years old. Sacha provides therapy services through the organisation Child Development within the Expat community at various International Schools in Amsterdam and Amstelveen. On request, Sacha also does home visits to support children in their home setting. Sacha enjoys working together with children, parents and teachers in the school setting and values home sessions for the insight she gains in seeing the children grow in their own environment. Sacha provides services in English, Dutch, and German.

Sacha grew up in the south of the Netherlands and moved over 20 years ago to the Leidse region so she could live near the ocean. Outside work, she enjoys playing handball, windsurfing, photography, riding her motor bike and going to the beach with her family.

Speech Therapists: Carolien Diependaal and Fiona Herms

Carolien Diependaal was born and raised in the Netherlands and obtained a Bachelor Degree in Social Studies (Social Work with Children) and Speech & Language Therapy. She has been working with students between the age of 3 - 8 at the International School of Amsterdam since 2008. Carolien is specialized in stammering therapy, articulation therapy and OMFT (oro-myofunctional therapy), which focuses on restoring the disturbed balance between the muscles in and around the mouth.

Fiona Herms is a Speech & Language Therapist (SLT) from Scotland. She graduated in 2003 from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow and has worked as a generalist SLT in Scotland, Uganda and the Netherlands. She has been working with students of all ages at the International School of the Netherlands since 2011. Fiona has a special interest in early language development and using the Hanen programme to encourage children to learn language through play and daily routines.

By booking a registration, you accept the CDLT Terms and Conditions.