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Maker Educator Certificate 2019

  • ISA 45 Sportlaan Amstelveen, NH, 1185 TB Netherlands (map)


Why come?

A four-day professional development program where educators explore learning through Making with hands-on activities, case studies, and classroom examples. The Certificate explores the educational theory, practices, and approaches to successfully integrate learning through Making in the classroom.

Note: No prior experience or expertise is required. Participants will need to have a laptop for some sessions.


Maximum number of participants: 20

  • Early-bird Registration fee US$1450 (register by June 15, 2019)

  • Late Registration US$1650 (closes on September 1, 2019)

    (Fee includes coffee/refreshments and lunch for four days.)

Event details

Who is it for?

For classroom teachers, learning specialists, educators, and school leaders.

Workshop Goals

Participants will:

  • Learn to use Maker materials, tools, and technologies through hands-on activities.

  • Deeply explore the pedagogy and philosophical drivers behind Learning through Making.

  • Explore Making in the classroom and learn methods of integrating learning through.

  • Learn how technologies such as the Internet of Things, Wearables, Programming and Robotics are shaping education.


The first day focuses on the educational theory, student learnings, and requirements for Making and Tinkering. In addition, the workshop leader models the philosophy and pedagogy throughout. On each subsequent day, modules will focus on one or more of the technologies that are transforming society, how Makers use them, and how to demystify them in the classroom. In addition, these modules will prepare you to facilitate Maker activities that empower your students to construct learning artifacts using both found (cardboard, recyclables) and transformative materials (circuits, programming).

Pedagogy and Philosophy of Making in the Classroom

Why do we Make and Tinker? Why is making and tinkering important to education? How can it enhance student learning? In this module we explore these questions to define the core tenets, philosophy and pedagogical practices of making in the classroom. In addition, we explore the impacts Making has on learning through hands-on Maker activities.


  • Develop an understanding of the educational theory supporting learning through Making.

  • Learn about the impacts Making & Tinkering have on student learning

  • Experience Making & Tinkering activities hands on.

  • Understand one way to design and facilitate a Making activity in the classroom

Prototyping, Wearable Technology, and Basic Circuitry

Prototyping, Wearable Technology, and circuitry are quickly revolutionizing how and what Makers create as well as how we can create solutions to big problems. In this module we explore what these topics are, how they are affecting society, and how we can use them

to solve real world problems of our own.


  • Develop an understanding of how prototyping, wearable technology, and circuits are empowering humans.

  • Create prototypes of wearable technology and a solution to real world problems.

  • Explore Design Thinking and its’ application to solving real problems that are hard to solve.

Computational Thinking and Coding

With the increase in computational technology throughout society and its’ impact on how we function, coding has become an essential literacy that helps students understand, access, and construct in their increasing digital world. In this module, we explore programming through the lenses of computational thinking and Scratch Programming.


  • Develop an understanding of how and why everyone can code.

  • Learn methods to use coding in the classroom including unplugged activities, Scratch programming, and bridging digital and physical interaction with MaKey MaKey.

  • Explore the ways in which we thinking computationally every day

  • Create computer programs and controller prototypes.

Circuit Systems and Programming

The rise in popularity of circuit prototyping platforms like Arduino has empowered Makers of all ages to create electronics. Emerging Technology that is transforming society such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics, and automation are made up of circuit systems at their core.

In this module, we explore the Arduino platform and use it to create circuit systems and prototypes.


  • Develop a deeper understanding of circuits, how hardware and software build on each other, and how they can be used to create prototypes.

  • Create prototypes using the Arduino platform and electronic components.

  • Learn the ways microcontrollers can be used in the classroom and how they relate to transformative technologies like robotics, IoT, and automation.


Workshops start at 08:30. Coffee and a light breakfast will be served from 08:00. Workshops will finish by 16:00. Lunch, snacks and beverages throughout the day are provided.

Session Leader

Ryan-Jenkins-biophoto cropped.jpg

Ryan Jenkins

Maker Education Consultant

Ryan Jenkins is a Maker Consultant with Consilience. He is also the co-founder and lead educator of Wonderful Idea Company, a creative design studio in the San Francisco Bay Area that develops resources to support explorations of art, science and technology through making and tinkering. Previously he was a founding member of the Tinkering Studio, a maker space at the Exploratorium where visitors can experiment with real tools, materials and phenomenon.

Ryan trains educators, develops playful environments, and creates unique exhibits and art pieces for museums and science centers. The programs that he has designed include “computational creatures” and “crafting with code” themed camps and classes for youth and creative coding professional development workshops for educators.

Earlier Event: September 6
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Later Event: October 31
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